Our Books

Books By Dr. Sprauve


Pell-Mell … So We Live! shares a collection of brief, often poignant anecdotes that provide a whimsical glimpse into how people live in the Caribbean, West Indies, and the Virgin Islands. In Pell-Mell, justice and nature fuse into one, parenting is skittish, a fugitive blue mongoose is caught red-handed, and the stork learns that delivering babies is safer.

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Soundings Over Cultural Shoals

Fortunately, the cultural heritage of the Virgin Islands in being preserved in works such as this work Soundings Over Cultural Shoals by esteemed Virgin Islands author/academician Gilbert A. Sprauve.

The reader is led through exciting, fascinating and above all natural variations of the life of Virgin Islanders, life often unobserved and misunderstood from the visitor's point of view. Virgin Islanders will appreciate this work all the more because it portrays life as it is, and is seldom displayed in literature.



Captain Ton-Ton Da-Da, skipper of the fishing craft Bossal Snare, sets sail for the blue water banks with a crew of West Indians of different backgrounds, island origins, and age. Shortly after arriving at the bank, the vessel is disabled.

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Andanzas Bajo El Sol

Este libro es la traducción, por el autor, de la mayor parte de su Soundings overCultural Shoals, y representa una copia virtual en Español de suVagabondages sous le soleil. Se trata de una colección de viñetas y observaciones culturales vistas de una perspectiva caribeña. Andanzasdesempeña un papel principal en el proyecto para comisionar el tri-lingüismo en las escuelas y hogares de su región natal.

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Vagabondages Sous Le Soleil

The book is essentially a collection of vignettes, anecdotes and cultural postings, viewed and presented mostly from a Caribbean perspective. It aims to foment a measure of robust cultural dialoguing across generational and other societal fault lines in the author's homeland. It can also serve as a primer for the visitor venturing beyond the perimeter of the clichéd Caribbean guided tour.

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Pell-Mell … So We Live! by Gilbert Sprauve

Discover a collection of brief, often poignant anecdotes that provide a whimsical glimpse into how people live in the Caribbean, West Indies, and the Virgin Islands in Pell-Mell … So We Live! In this compilation, justice and nature fuse into one, parenting is skittish, a fugitive blue mongoose is caught red-handed, and the stork learns that delivering babies is safer.

Afro-Caribbean Virgin Islander Gilbert Sprauve continues where he left off in his previous collection, Soundings over Cultural Shoals. Sprauve holds the magnifying glass that peers into a fascinating local culture and offers reflections about a world in and about the Virgin Islands, where a crane dozes in pain, a handy popgun saves a groom-son, and serial eulogies crack frail ribs.